The First Anti-tapping Technology Companies in Indonesia
Looking At The Production Of Intelligence Tool In The First Code Machine Manufacture In Indonesia

Jakarta - They who work in the field of intelligence could not be separated from the advanced tools that greatly assist their work. Whether it detects someone’s presence, eavesdrops on the certain parties, arrests criminals, and many others.

One of the intelligence tools that might often be seen in detective movies is a surveillance camera. The Intel was carrying or placing the spy camera in places where we do not expect before.

PT Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi (ICK) is one of companies that produce surveillance cameras in very small physical shape. Even the size of the camera is only the tip of the needle.

"Very small, the camera is only the tip of the needle. But it is HD (high quality)," said the expert of cryptography and information technology Pratama Persada, in his office Jl Techno Park, BSD, Tangerang City, Monday (21/12/2015). 

This super tiny cameras can be installed anywhere and not be detected by a metal detector. "Only was detected by the detecting of frequency," said Pratama 

Among of the others hardware was sold are signal jammer, Handie Talkie (HT) guard, and a tracking device (finder). The Jammer’ work is scrambling the signal to improve the safety standards of the criminal actions who exploit signal frequencies such as bombs, wiretapping, and theft of data.

"I am here have a duty to conduct research of network frequency. Jamming radius is about 150 meters. We can do the scrambling signal to GSM, CDMA, 2G / 3G and wifi," said an employee, Cahyo.

A tracking device was manufactured by ICK named ICK-TrackIT 2G, 3G and CDMA. The features of this tool consist of IMSI catcher or IMEI of the phone, tracking location, blocking selectively, and database analysis.

Not of all products by ICK can be purchased by the public. ICK consumers mainly come from government agencies and the military.

One of the anti-tapping products that can be used by the public are SMS software Guard, Voice Guard and Chat Guard. But, of course the costs are not cheap.

"Indonesia should be proud with ICK. I hope PT ICK can move forward faster and mastered the market in Indonesia quickly," said the former Head of State Code Institution Nachrowi Ramli while attending the inauguration of PT ICK manufacture.

President Director of PT ICK Agung S Bakti hope that Indonesia did not keep utilizing tools of Information security that comes from abroad. In addition to empower human resources in this country, also bought from the outside is not necessarily secured.

"As well as the military industry, has the encryption technology and code machine manufacture makes the dignity of the nation is rising in front of the other countries," said Agung.


PT. Indoguardika Copyright Creative (ICK) are IT companies and software developers with professional experts and experienced in securing information using cryptographic technology

Sites Product
SMS Guard
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@2016 PT. Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi
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