The First Anti-tapping Technology Companies in Indonesia
About Us

We are an IT and software developer company with professional and experienced experts in creating a wide range of IT security products. We are committed to provide excellent services and help you find the best solution for all your company's IT security needs.

It began with a group of young people with extensive knowledge in cryptography and IT Security who started working oon informal jobs in 2001. As the number of corporate services, request kept growing, we decided to establish an official company with all its legality in 2013.

Since the company's establishment in October 2013, we have successfully branched out internationally, proven with having branch offices in several countries such as Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and will open more branch office in South Africa, Phillipenes, China, Hong Kong and United Kingdom. The products we offer are purely the result of ideas and hard work of the Indonesian's young generation.

To be the world's number 1 IT Security company

To provide information technology security services with business values and potential to generate benefical solutions needed by clients.

PT. Indoguardika Copyright Creative (ICK) are IT companies and software developers with professional experts and experienced in securing information using cryptographic technology

Sites Product
SMS Guard
Company Profile
@2016 PT. Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi
Jl. Moh. Kahfi 1 No. 88C Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Indonesia Phone: +6221 78890338 Fax: Phone: +6221 78890338 email: