The First Anti-tapping Technology Companies in Indonesia
Email Guard

Email Guard is a secure email service that implements the data randomization method (encryption) during the procces of sending email. So nobody can tapping our electronic mail.


  • Authentication using digital certificates that are stored locally on the device
  • Encryption algorithms: AES 256 in OFB mode
  • Key exchange algorithm: Diffie-Hellman 8192


  • Can use various mail servers
  • Message encrypted using the AES algorithm
  • Can run various kinds of Web-based platform and mobile Apps
  • The encryption procces is done on the client side

PT. Indoguardika Copyright Creative (ICK) are IT companies and software developers with professional experts and experienced in securing information using cryptographic technology

Sites Product
SMS Guard
Company Profile
@2016 PT. Indoguardika Cipta Kreasi
Jl. Moh. Kahfi 1 No. 88C Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Indonesia Phone: +6221 78890338 Fax: Phone: +6221 78890338 email: